Comprehensive dental care for all ages:
Preventative Care
Preventative care, including digital imaging, routine cleanings, and periodontal treatment in our hygiene department
Restorative Procedures
Restorative procedures with particular emphasis on esthetics, including bonded resin fillings and same-day ceramic crowns using CEREC technology
Prosthetic Procedures
Prosthetic procedures, including removable partials and dentures, same-day fixed bridges, and same-day implant crowns
Endodontic Treatment
Endodontic treatment of tooth roots
Surgical Procedures
Surgical procedures, including extractions and laser contouring of gum tissue
Orthodontic Treatment
Orthodontic treatment using SureSmile clear aligners
Appliance Therapy
Appliance therapy, including clear tray retainers, night guards, and EMA apnea/snoring devices